JEMAL EDDIN IBN EL ADIM was judje of haleb in suria Currently and he was a sane man also a fair judje as well he was scientist in islamique jujdments .
In one day happened that someone claimed to another a mount of money 'and when the respondant denied on him ,the plaintiff came down a document has mansour ibn jourada's endorsement that he has debited a mount of money from him Then the defendant has denied that ibn jourada is name of his father but the judge asked him what is your name he said mansour and name your father he replied hibetu ellah
Afterward the judge was stop talking to him and preoccupied himself with those who was have him for long terme and among the attendees someone was reading in sahih elboukhari (book included Legitimacy jujdments islamique )
suddenly the judge exclaimed ooh ya ibn jourada ,the defendant answered your majesty he said to him pay to your adversary his money
by aboubecrine aliyoune
From book the intelligence of the arab
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